What is the programme?
This programme aims to develop our capacity to deal with increasingly complex environments and challenges, together with others. In that way, like the IDG’s we too are going against the dominant culture/discourse that prizes/privileges achievement and progress.
Our focus is on exploring and promoting those outlooks, skills and capacities in the IDG framework, plus favouring, and developing those relational qualities of ‘connectedness’, ‘empathy’, over wealth, achievement, and status.
What are are learning groups and action research?
What is the structure?
This programme is delivered over 12 weeks in 2 hour sessions.
We will host an equal mixture of facilitated teaching sessions with alternate learning groups.
6 live group sessions on zoom (alternate weeks)
5 live peer learning groups on zoom (alternate weeks – working structure provided)
A one-to-one coaching session (the value of £150)
Self-directed exercises & practice (1 hour a week)
Resource books
Private online community group space
What will I learn?
This programme aims to develop capacity in the leadership of systems for worthwhile purposes. At its heart this programme provides an experiential learning approach to enable participants to think and experience how to successfully negotiate complexity with others and to understand their own position and relationships within a given system. Relational outlooks and attitudes will therefore be cultivated including:
Relationship to self.
Being in Connection- How we relate to others authentically, humbly, with empathy and without judgement
Collaboration- This includes Listening fully with others, engaging in co-creative dialogue, with an inclusive mindset, recognising and working with power dynamics effectively.
Fostering motivation to act with others and to learn from those impacts within our systems and more widely.
Supporting a ‘thinking systemically’ outlook and approach will be explored and developed, such as identifying points of leverage where change can happen within a system, broadening our perception and understanding of relationships and relational working.
In small groups of around 4 people you will collaborate and connect with one another. You will share knowledge and resources, as well as support, with emphasis on open, cohesive communication.
Action research is where research and takes place at the same time.
How many lessons are there?
Week 1 - Orientation
Week 2 - Being-Relationship to Self
Week 3 - Peer Learning Group
Week 4 - Thinking- Cognitive Skills
Week 5 - Peer Learning Group
Week 6 - Relating- Caring for Others and the World
Week 7 - Peer Learning Group
Week 8 - Collaborating- Social Skills
Week 9 - Peer Learning Group
Week 10- Acting- Enabling Change
Week 11- Peer Learning Group
Week 12 - What next and wrapping up
Your one-to-one coaching session will take place between weeks 8 and 12.
What is expected from me?
To complete this programme you must attend at least 80%. This includes both teaching sessions and peer learning groups. We recognise life throws challenges at us from time to time, but sessions will not be recorded so it is important to participate fully.